When all you need is quick cash to get yourself out of a pinch, get a short term loan against jewelry in Fort Worth. Jewelry is an investment, so when money’s short make it work for you. Asset-based loans are quick, easy, and secure with Diamond Banc. All you have to do is submit your loan request online and we can start the process to get you funded up to $500,000 in as few as 24 hours.
Why get a loan against jewelry in Fort Worth?
Asset-based loans are rapidly replacing bank and payday loans, and traditional pawn shop loans. When you get a loan against jewelry in Fort Worth, your loan is secured entirely by the liquid wholesale value of your jewelry. Here are just a few reasons this benefits you.
1. No Credit Checks
Since Diamond Banc does not report to credit bureaus, your credit score will not affect your loan in any way. Also, if for some reason you cannot make payments and the loan eventually defaults, your credit score will remain the same. If a loan defaults, we simply liquidate the jewelry to recoup our loss.
2. Get Your Money Faster
Our process eliminates the notorious paperwork of traditional banks by assessing loan values based on your jewelry’s worth. Bypassing credit checks, work history, financial records, notarizing and other unnecessary paperwork is what makes our process so quick. This is why we can fund up to $500,000 in as few as 24 hours.
3. No Hidden Fees
Our loan contracts lack the small print of payday and pawn shop loans. There are no late fees, percent withholding, or other hidden fees. Our staff is upfront with all costs associated with asset-based loans.
Get an Initial Diamond Banc Quote Today
Fill out our online form with information about your jewelry and any appraisal or certification paperwork. We’ll evaluate your item and give you a quote the same day.
If you accept our offer, visit a Diamond Banc location or mail us your ring. We accept jewelry from around the country and will send you a fully insured, pre-paid shipping label. Your funds will be wired directly to your bank account, once we have verified your jewelry.