Are you in need of cash now? Don’t waste your time at the bank and possibly miss a fleeting opportunity. And definitely don’t take out a risky payday loan! It’s never been easier to borrow money on Rolex watches in Austin.
The easy way to borrow money on Rolex watches
At Diamond Banc, you can get the money you need faster and easier than a bank loan, and more secure than a payday loan. Asset-based loans are growing in popularity with the changing times. Borrowers realize bank loans are outdated and rarely get you the money you need. Payday loans are even worse. Payday lenders give you money until your paycheck comes in, then take the majority of it when the loan is paid off.
Diamond Banc gives clients access to their watches’ liquid value. We use luxury watches to secure asset-based loans based on their wholesale value. Our goal is the same as yours when you borrow money in Austin: we give you money to take advantage of your opportunities and give your watch back when you pay us back.
Unlike payday and bank loans, the risk factor is much lower for an asset-based loan. We do not report to credit bureaus, so if you do not choose to redeem your watch, your credit score is unaffected. Nor do we perform work or income history reports, or any of the grueling paperwork required for traditional loans.
Fill out a secure form on our website to start your loan process. Tell us about your Rolex watch, and we’ll email you an offer. Or, you can visit one of our nationwide locations.