Explore Liquidity Options - Diamond Banc

Explore Liquidity Options

Immediate Purchase

Receive Funds Immediately For Your Item.
This option is best for those who value being paid immediately. Diamond Banc will make you an industry-leading purchase offer for your fine jewelry, luxury watches, and diamonds. We fund transactions on the spot. Our purchase process is simple, confidential, & fast.


Jewelry Equity Loan

Immediate Funding & Maintain Ownership.
Magnify the fiscal power of your jewelry by borrowing against it. Receive immediate funding & maintain ownership. Receive the same amount of proceeds as you would selling your item outright. This process is simple, fast, secure & confidential.


Diamond Sellers Agent Service

Make Diamond Banc Your Agent, Maximize Your Return.
We actively market your diamond to a national audience, once your diamond sells, we pay you the preferred selling price initially established. We facilitate all the logistics required to maximize your diamond’s value and desirability before offering it for sale. This approach ensures we have the shared goal of maximizing the value of their diamond. We are not compensated for our efforts until you are.


Rolex Sellers Agent Service

Expert Strategy, Superior Returns.
Achieving your watch’s highest possible sale price is our shared mission through Diamond Banc’s Rolex Seller’s Agent Service. Based on your watch’s specifics, we offer it for sale in numerous formats on exclusive industry-specific nationwide platforms, as well as directly to our extensive network of qualified buyers. Once your watch finds a buyer, at or above the initial selling price set, the transaction is completed. we provide you with a clear breakdown of the transaction, ensuring transparency in your net return.


Interest-Free Sale Advance

Receive Immediate Funding, Interest-Free.
Clients can immediately receive up to 50% of our initial purchase offer, interest-free. Partial sale proceeds are advanced for a defined period. Once the sale is complete, we issue the remaining proceeds owed to the client. We present the client with an updated purchase offer if the item does not sell within the defined advance period. Clients can return the advanced funds within a defined time or will be paid the remaining balance of our initial immediate purchase offer.

*Further terms & conditions apply.

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